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PHA Apprentice Member Program
The PHA Apprentice Member program resulted from the
Association's effort to recruit new talent into the sport of
showing dogs and ensure they receive appropriate training
from bona fide professionals. The program not only affords
an employment opportunity with a PHA member, but also a
training setting focused on the proper care, training and
presentation of a show dog. Apprentice members are permitted
to display the PHA emblem (pin), be showcased as working for
a professional handler, accrue dog handling work experience,
and proceed on a fast-track process of applying for full
membership with the PHA. The PHA Apprentice Member program
is open to adults and minors alike.
Program Requirements: general
- The applicant must be 18 years of age or older.
(Minors must have parental permission to participate in
the Program.)
- The applicant must be sponsored by the PHA member
they will be employed by
- The Apprentice must commit to participating in the
program for a minimum of four years and be employed by no
more than two PHA members
- The Apprentice member is required to attend at least
three dog show-related learning seminars during the
four-year program period
- The Apprentice is governed by the same rules and
regulations and discipline measures as that of a full
member of the PHA. The PHA member/employer will educate
the Apprentice on the AKC rules and regulations governing
the sport, as well as the Code of Ethics and other rules
and regulations of the PHA.
- Participation in the PHA Apprentice Member Program is
considered a privilege that may be revoked by the Board
of Directors at any time based upon recommendation from
the PHA member/employer
Application Process: overview
- A PHA member who will be serving as their employer
must sponsor an applicant. The member will request that a
Apprentice Application be sent to the applicant
- The applicant must submit an Apprentice Application
accompanied by a prescribed, non-refundable, application
fee. (Minors must submit a Certificate of Birth.)
- The Apprentice Application will be reviewed and
decided on by the Board of Directors or their designee.
The applicant will be advised of the disposition of their
- If the applicant is accepted into the Program they
will be issued a PHA Apprentice pin that shall be worn at
dog shows and other appropriate events
- An annual membership fee shall be assessed
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